Thursday, July 30, 2009

Anyone have advice on vitamin c or vitamin e night creams?

Like which is more effective, what works for you, or anything at all really. Thanks.

Anyone have advice on vitamin c or vitamin e night creams?
Vitamin A (retinol) creams are not recommended during pregnancy. Vitamin E creams should be used with caution during nursing, I am unsure about pregnancy.

Vitamins A and E can build up in your system. Vitamin C i readily flushed out by your body if it is unneeded (although extremely high doses in the last trimester may cause "rebound scurvy" in the baby, particularly formula fed, as their levels drop), and vitamin C is very much needed for cell repair. I was taking vitamin C when pregnant with my first, then after birth I just stopped because I was too busy. I noticed I wasn't healing well and felt like crap. I started taking the vitamin C again and started healing properly and feeling better. I was shocked how much of a difference it made.

During pregnancy vitamin C can prevent PROM and preterm birth. It may also be linked to a reduction of SIDS when the baby gets adequate levels both before and after birth.

So I don't know if it works in a cream, but it principal my vote is for vitamin C.
Reply:vitamin e is good for the skin

so's vitamin a i believe

everything i use on my skin has either of them in it
Reply:Vitamin E and A are both good for your skin. A basic vitamin E cream would be a good moisturizer. Bio-oil is also great rehydrator and contains both.
Reply:I use this stuff called Oxygen from skin fitness. We sell it at my office but I'm sure you can get it online somewhere.

It has olive oil, A C and E in it. I love it! If you live in a dry region it's great too. It doesn't smell the best but I've used it for a long time now and I'll never stop.

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