Sunday, August 2, 2009

Which of the following can dramatically improve your grade on a essay?

a.providing an outline

b.choosing an effective thesis sentence

c.setting aside time to rewrite your essay

d.writing on an interesting topic

Which of the following can dramatically improve your grade on a essay?
e. All of the above
Reply:E. All of the above.

although most teachers probably do not want to collect your outline, it will help you organize your ideas.

Effective thesis's are always good to have or else you have a crappy paper.

Rewriting your essay always brings up new ideas and things you could have left out or need to remove to improve your paper.

If your not interested in the topic then you probably are not going to like the essay and going to do poorly on it anyways. So if you can choose to write on a topic you are interested in jump for that opportunity.

You usually don't need to provide your instructor with an outline. The outline is what you do for yourself as a preliminary step.

Rewriting is a fundamental step in creating your finished product.

Interesting is a subjective term.

But when you choose an effective thesis sentence, you intrigue the reader from the beginning and you provide a quick idea of exactly what you intend for the reader to know.

This is something a teacher looks for.

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