Friday, July 31, 2009

Please HELP!!! My cats have pretty bad mange. Need home remedy known to be safe & effective for cats!! Thanks!

Recently became aware that my cats itching was not b/c of fleas (tons of treatment) but from mange mites! I cannot afford a trip to the vet and am also weary of chemicals used to treat mites. I have found a number of mite remedies but all have been for dogs with no side notes indicating they are safe for cats. Please help if you have any information or experience.

Please HELP!!! My cats have pretty bad mange. Need home remedy known to be safe %26amp; effective for cats!! Thanks!
Cats are very sensitive and can die from toxic shock quickly. Dog and cats medications can differ, they NEED a vet, how do you know for curtain, you need to scrape the skin, us an oil and look under a microscope and even then you might not see them and what kind do they have???? I'm sorry but you can check with your local humane society and see if they can help or know of a vet tat will. Best of luck
Reply:Borrow money, use a credit card or contact the humane society or a local shelter who might help. Either way, they need to go to the vet. Do not have pets if you can not afford medical care for them. It's not fair to the animals.
Reply:Mange is critter on your cat. Any thing that smothers the mite will work, mineral oil, fish oil, mayonnaise, petroleum jelly . Your cat will be oily and ugly for a while but it will kill the mites and if they get to dirty a bath and more oil.
Reply:my vet always said cats don't get mange so be sure that's what they have.I don't know of any mange medicines for cats. they could have allergies, try changing their food, also the flea treatment could cause a reaction.I have used a lemon rinse on my cats with no bad reactions, cut up a lemon in some water, bring to a boil remove from heat and let sit over night before sponging on them, have used this with dogs with mange also along with vitamins and found it helped. good luck.
Reply:My suggestion (because one of my cats had the same problem) is to go online to DrsFosterandSmith. They are online veternarians and I use their products almost exclusively. They are reasonably priced and have products and, also online chat with one of the veternarians if you have any questions.

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