Friday, July 31, 2009

What is the main use of style evelyn waugh uses in this extract?

which of these would you think he utilizes most of in the extract (and if you could explain why you chose these that would be great!):


c) effective names or signatures

d) figures of speech

e) deliberately biblical phrases

f) contrast - e.g. between dream and signboard

(Dennis Barlow, an assistant at the Happier Hunting Ground, a pet's mortuary and cemetery, has arrived at Whispering Glades, its human equivalent)

Times without number since he first came to hollywood he had heard the name of that great necropolis on the lips of others; he had read it in the local news-sheets when some more than usually illustrious body was given more than usually splendid honours or some new acquisition was made to its collected masterpieces of contemporary art. Of recent weeks his interest had been livelier and more technical, for it was in humble emulation of its great neighbour that the Happier Hunting Ground was planned.

What is the main use of style evelyn waugh uses in this extract?

garden centre

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